Thursday, February 18, 2016

Bestfriends: Your sisters from another mother in other words

Today, I sat and just took a second to sit and do nothing and two of my closest friends (my best friends) popped in my head. 

As a wife, mom, student, worker I often grow busy and take for granted how much they mean to me and the sanity, love, advice, hugs, and many other countless things they provide my life and someone that can not possibly to be quantified. 

So this post is dedicated to them thanking them for what they have done for me:

First in dedication to Jaime:

You are one of my oldest friends, you were in my wedding, you and I are were destined to be from the moment we met. I have memories upon memories with you that make me smile every time I think of them. Six flags, Chinese pick up on the side of the road, boob padding, hugs, a shoulder to cry on, a person that loves me despite my many shortcomings, a person that has never judged me, and a friend who I can count on any day of the week. Our long talks about our spiritual lives and boys and children and school. There may be breaks in our closeness, but I know that if I called you at 3 am you would be there and I wouldn't have to apologize or explain or even worry about would just be there.

You are amazing and meant for so much in this world.                                                                You are an amazing daughter, wife, sister, friend. You touch people and you are special. I love you and hope that we spend our many years on this earth building our memories together!

Second one is to Allison:

You are technically a new friend, but yet I should have known you from birth! These past two years have been so rough for me in many ways and I made it through a lot because of you. Your love, and judge-less advice and ears have been life savers for me. You have talked me through sickness, work,school, marriage, friendship, family, and just plain fun stuff. We joke all the time that we will be old girls sitting in a rocking chair and I know we will!
Coming from our favorite show: You are my person, my sister.
You know me so well, sometimes a little too well :) We laugh, and I have cried, and you are just amazing.
You treat my kids like they are your own and spoil them like you're their aunt. I love you and I love your family and I pray that we never go a day without talking.

You are an amazing human being, wife, teacher, friend ,and you can do anything you want to do. You have touched and will continue to touch people because you are that special.

I am so thankful that God chose to cross our paths and look forward to the rest of our lives!